Our Rating System:
We use everyone’s favorite movie food for our rating system (it seemed appropriate). Can a movie hit our highest valued popcorn?

WITH BUTTER!! The much-desired topping for your popcorn. If we award this to a film, there is no reason not to see this flick! It is an instant classic!

5 bags of popcorn? This is a must-see film.

4 bags of popcorn means this movie is definitely worth a watch.

3 bags of popcorn. It may not be for everyone, but most people would still get a kick out of it.

2 bags of popcorn. Not worth watching beyond a streaming service that happens to have added to their list.

1 bag of popcorn. Only good if you are drunk or asleep through most of it.

The dreaded empty bag of popcorn (0). Don’t watch this! You will waste moments of your life you can’t get back!

Our “So Bad It’s Good!” rating is used for those special films that somehow have worked their ways into our hearts even though they offer so little in quality. Represented by the unnatural mix of caramel flavored and cheese flavored popcorn.